My grandson Max (5) was pretty excited when we arrived at the Palmerston Library to see Think Bigg, one of the shows in this years FringeKids! I was looking forward to seeing Trent Arterberry’s show as well. Last year his show, The Secret Life of Walter Manny, sold out and I missed seeing it.
Think Bigg is high energy, fast paced and funny. It will appeal to adults as much as it does to children.
Arterberry is a mime who talks. And does sounds effects. His opening piece had the audience grinning from ear to ear and I kept grinning and smiling for the rest of the show. My face was sore at the end.
The children in the audience loved Arterberry, laughing and giggling as he did amazing things with his body and face. He explained mime to us and gave us a couple of lessons. Even if I had a hundred years to practice I doubt I could ever learn to do the thing he does with his head. I could learn to do the blowing up the balloon thing though. It was lovely to see everyone in the audience blowing up their imaginary balloons.
He’s great with kids, he explains things but doesn’t talk down to them.
I’m not usually a fan of mime but I loved the show. Arterberry is amazing.
Max really enjoyed the show. His favourite part was Roboman and I can understand why. It was hard to believe that it wasn’t a robot on the stage. I foresee much robotic action on Max’s part over the next few days.
Max is a super shy kid and he was so engaged that he actually managed to gather the courage to ask a question at the end of the show during an impromptu Q&A session.
He has a brother who will be three in September. His mum asked him if he thought that Desmond would enjoy the show. Max thought that Desmond might be a bit scared but the show is really cool so probably he’d like it.
He was positive that his friends would really like it. The program suggests that it’s suitable for kids 4 and up and you might want to be guided by that. Of course all kids are different and you know your children and what will engage them.
FringeKid! shows tend to sell out on the weekend so it’s a good idea to get your tickets in advance or to go during the week.
Think Bigg is playing at Palmerston Library Theatre (560 Palmerston Ave.)
Show times
July 04 at 04:00 PM
July 06 at 11:00 AM
July 08 at 12:30 PM
July 09 at 04:00 PM
July 10 at 06:30 PM
July 11 at 05:30 PM
July 13 at 12:00 PM
Tickets for FringeKids productions are $10 for adults, $5 for those 12 or younger. Tickets can be purchased at the door (cash-only), or can be purchased in advance for a $2 service charge either online, by phone (416-966-1062), or from the festival box office at the Fringe Club. (Rear of Honest Ed’s, 581 Bloor St. West).
Money-saving value packs are also available if you are going to at least five shows; see website for details.
LATECOMERS ARE NEVER ADMITTED TO FRINGE SHOWS. To avoid disappointment, be sure to arrive a few minutes before curtain.
Photo of Trent Arterberry
I must agree, the physicality and sound effects were terrific. Thanks for the ticket, all!