From press release:
“What is the meaning of life? Andrew Bailey knows. In fact, he tells youthe answer within the first minute of Limbo.” -The Times Colonist (Victoria)
Andrew Bailey is proud to present his latest award winning solo show—Limbo—a play that solves themeaning of life in the first minute, then unsolves it for the next forty-nine.
“[Limbo] is laugh-out-loud, intelligent, manic, sweet, quirky and, yes, profound, theatre and I loved every minute of it.” –The Vancouver Courier
How do you live on after you were supposed to have died? In Limbo, Andrew Bailey wakes up themorning after an aborted suicide attempt determined that from now on he will experience everymoment to the fullest. He reads the major religious works. The major philosophers. Takes up exerciseand meditation. The whole routine. And it works. He starts to become himself again. Have fun. Feel happy.
“Bailey is quietly owning the realm of brainyautobiography” –Port City Lights (Vancouver)
But then survivor guilt hits. Big time. Andrew begins to have vivid dreams about those who neverreally got a chance to live in the first place: soldiers, street youth, sick children. How can he live on in alife he didn’t want, when their lives were taken from them?
“Yes! Yes! Yes!” –The Georgia Straight (Vancouver)
Despite its such serious subject matter, Limbo is ultimately a funny, light hearted and hopeful show,winning the 2010 Vancouver Fringe Critic’s Choice Award and being named one of the “Best Plays of2010” by the Vancouver Courier. Director Britt Small is expert at mixing comedy and serious issues,having co-directed hit shows Legoland and Ride the Cyclone and co-founded the multiple awardwinning cabaret Atomic Vaudeville (of which Andrew is also a major writer/performer). Limbo hasflourishes of visual creativity not normally associated with the solo show. It’s dark comedy at its lightest.
Limbo will be playing July 8th-17th at the Solo Room as part of the Toronto Fringe. Additionalinformation about Limbo may be obtained by contacting Andrew Bailey at (416) 892-7354 or or by calling the Toronto Fringe at (416) 966-1062 or
Limbo: Synopsis
At the top of the show, Andrew solves the meaning of life using the magic of improv. He then tells astory about rebuilding his own life after an aborted suicide attempt and, in doing so, inadvertentlyunsolves this meaning.
Andrew wakes up ready to make the most out of every moment, hoping to find purpose to hisexistence. He reads the major literary, religious and philosophical works. He takes up exercise andmeditation. He finally finds a nice equilibrium: his openness about his past struggles is a comfort toothers, including a university friend who suffers from manic depression; the street youth at the churchwhere he works as caretaker; and his best friend Katrina, who seems to be going through struggles ofher own.
But then Andrew wakes up to find himself possessed by a kid he’d known growing up who had died.Not your average Monday morning. This possession dream passes, but is followed by another whereAndrew is possessed by a dead soldier. Spiritual forces have come to collect on a promise Andrew oncemade to God, asking Him to give Andrew’s life force to those who never got a chance to live. Andrewagain calls to God, pleading with Him to take back this promise.
Ultimately Andrew abandons his promise and his faith in God so he can find salvation from his past.But he still finds purpose for his life and his suffering through a secret Katrina has been hiding and isonly willing to share with him.