Total Verrückt! – Fringe Toronto 2011 Press Release

From press release:

A play created by & starring Joanna Caplan

Developed in association with Double Edge Theatre Residency Program

Premiering at the Toronto Fringe Festival at The Annex Theatre

July 8 to 17, 2011

— Let’s sing and dance to prove that we exist. —


Have you heard the old story about the German actress? The one where she wanders around the camp singing her arias in order to try to escape the gas chamber? Total Verrückt! tells her story with inspiration from the work of the Jewish Dutch poet Etty Hillesum, Jewish German cabaret stars Max Erlich, Willy Rosen and Dora Gerson. Taking its name from the 1944 production performed by inmates from Westerbork transit camp, Total Verrückt! translates as “completely crazy”. In this ghostly cabaret, watch this imprisoned actress sing and dance to prove that she exists.

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The Paperbag Queen – Fringe Toronto 2011 Press Release

From press release:

Come dance, cheer, boo, cast your vote and get personal with the Paperbag Queen!
Do not miss this premiere from this  Montreal based artist at the Toronto Fringe !

Always wanted to visit real Royalty? Well, here is your chance: the  tale of a liberating queen in a liberating country in an interactive operetta in ten movements plays at the Toronto Fringe this year.

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The Billy Willy Show – Fringe Toronto 2011 Press Release

From press release:

Billy Willy comes to The Toronto Fringe Festival to debut THE BILLY WILLY SHOW

The Billy Willy Show is an old-fashioned barn dance radio program hosted by America’s least favorite country and western superstar. Between songs, Billy Willy shares his hilarious hard-luck stories and masterfully combines stand up comedy and storytelling in a surreal satire about one cowboy’s obsession with country music, success, and celebrity.

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Mullet’s Make-a-Play – Toronto Fringe 2011 Press Release

From press release

This summer, Mullet the zombie clown stages the greatest show of his career, filled with award-winning comedians and groundbreaking musicians. The play is his second biggest challenge. The first is facing his inner Demon. While this Demon may keep Mullet’s undead and decaying body functioning, it is Mullet’s overwhelming desire to make people laugh and love him that keeps him alive. But as his show falls apart, so does his confidence and constitution, allowing the Demon to take control, dooming him to doubt and failure. The time has come for Mullet to face his fears and take a stand in the fight for his soul. Continue reading Mullet’s Make-a-Play – Toronto Fringe 2011 Press Release