Vectors of Their Interest (Surplus-Value Theatre) 2014 Toronto Fringe Review

Surplus-Value Theatre presents Vectors of Their Interest at this year’s Toronto Fringe Festival, a bizarre and twisted dark comedy about the struggles of the unpaid intern. It’s a struggle many of us fresh-paint recent graduates endure — the bright-eyed, bushy-tailed ‘I’ll do anything to make an impression’ attitude regardless of how utterly off-the-wall the boss’ request may be. And in this story, it’s weirder than most.

Continue reading Vectors of Their Interest (Surplus-Value Theatre) 2014 Toronto Fringe Review

Fringe for Free! Toronto Fringe ticket giveaways for shows playing on Saturday, July 5th

fringe for free graphicWe’re headed into the first weekend of the Toronto Fringe Festival. Being the savvy Fringe Festival-goers I know you all are, I’m sure you’re headed to the festival the first weekend to catch as much new stuff as you can and totally not procrastinating and waiting in the lines for the busier second weekend? Right?

Of course being an early bird may be even easier if you won free tickets from our Fringe for Free contest!

For every day of the festival, we’ll be giving out tickets to 5 shows. Exciting, right? What’s even more exciting is how easy it is to enter – you can enter each of the five contests by sending us an email (more details below).

Remember, you need to enter each contest individually. If we pick your name, you’ve got two tickets heading your way.

Check out the list of the 5 shows playing on Saturday, July 5th after the jump.

Continue reading Fringe for Free! Toronto Fringe ticket giveaways for shows playing on Saturday, July 5th

A Bicycle Built For Two – Toronto Fringe 2014 Press Release

From Press Release


Socially-Relevant Theatre Troupe Gets Personal at the Toronto Fringe Festival

Founded in 2011, Theatre of the Beat (TOTB) has quickly gained a reputation as a socially-relevant, group of road warriors, that don’t shy away from the tough topics. Having performed across the country in theatres, high schools, churches and prisons, the troupe has played to a variety of audiences, always inspiring dialogue and discussion.

The newest addition to the troupe’s growing repertoire is entitled A Bicycle Built For Two. It’s a thought-provoking comedy which follows three couples at various stages in their relationships: engagement, the empty-nest, and separation. The result: a light- hearted crack at the realities of human relationships, the institution of marriage and the nebulous art of relationship maintenance.

“Relationships begin, relationships grow, and sometimes relationships end,” says director Rebecca Steiner. “This is a play about relationship – and being the relational creatures that we are, it’s about how we interact with each other – and that’s inherently comical. ”

“Over the past ten years, relationship issues between couples have been the second most frequent reason people seek counselling,” says Waterloo’s Shalom Counselling Services executive director, Wanda Wagler-Martin. “We decided it was time to do some health promotion and education.” With a reputation for challenging theatre, and given the troupe’s success rate, Shalom Counselling decided to commission TOTB to write a play that would act as a catalyst for discussion. “It had to be a comedy,” says playwright Johnny Wideman. “Laughter disarms. It allows you to raise the questions people are too afraid to ask.”

“Controversial and thought-provoking, and they wouldn’t have it any other way.” -City TV (Toronto, ON)

This theatre company is one to watch.” – CBC Manitoba

**** “As hilarious as [they are] intellectually astute.” -NOW Magazine (Toronto)

**** “Tight and energetic.” – Winnipeg Free Press (Winnipeg) 


Randolph Theatre

show times

July 03 at 11:00 PM
July 05 at 12:00 PM
July 06 at 08:45 PM
July 07 at 03:00 PM
July 09 at 07:00 PM
July 11 at 01:45 PM
July 12 at 09:15 PM

Tickets are $10 at the door, $12 in advance