Time Stands Still (Eclectic Theatre and Jason Murray) 2014 Toronto Fringe Review

Time stands still

Time Stands Still (at the Toronto Fringe Festival, produced by Eclectic Theatre and Jason Murray) was not what I expected, it had way more depth and balance. I thought it would be a show filled with war imagery that focused on the political situation in Iraq, but the beauty about this show is that it could have been set anywhere, talked about any war and told the stories of the countless innocent people with families and children who are mere victims in these situations. It’s also about the people who jeopardize their lives to cover these events hoping that the world will someday actually see and listen to the voices of the thousands of people far, far away for whom war is a way of life. Their only reality. Continue reading Time Stands Still (Eclectic Theatre and Jason Murray) 2014 Toronto Fringe Review

Inside Albert’s Head (Of Course a Horse) 2014 Toronto Fringe Review


Inside Albert’s Head (Of Course a Horse), playing at this year’s Toronto Fringe Festival,  follows Albert Herz, an elderly New York City electrician, as he talks about the different situations and people he’s come across in his everyday life. This one man show is written by and features David Ackerman, who’s previous work includes the play Lost and Found which appeared in the Toronto Fringe in 2008.

Continue reading Inside Albert’s Head (Of Course a Horse) 2014 Toronto Fringe Review