Let Me Freeze Your Head (Neil McArthur) 2016 Toronto Fringe Review

photo of Neil McArthur in Let Me Freeze Your Head

Neil McArthur wants to freeze your head and make you live forever. As part of the Toronto Fringe Festival 2016 at the Helen Gardiner Phelan Playhouse, Let Me Freeze Your Heard is a convincing call for cryonic preservation. Attend this info-session for more information about how this service can buy you more time on earth. Continue reading Let Me Freeze Your Head (Neil McArthur) 2016 Toronto Fringe Review

Evolution / Mr. Truth (Angela Blumberg and Lester Trips) 2016 Toronto Fringe Review

Photo of Angela Blumberg by Sue Howard.

Evolution / Mr. Truth is a dance-theatre double bill, currently playing at the Randolph Theatre as part of the Toronto Fringe Festival. The first half-hour’s show, the dance show Evolution, choreographed by Angela Blumberg, is a fluid exploration of change through dance. The second half-hour show, the Lester Trips group’s Mr. Truth, makes use of dark comedy to explore the ugly and uncomfortable elements in modern sexuality.

Continue reading Evolution / Mr. Truth (Angela Blumberg and Lester Trips) 2016 Toronto Fringe Review

Fringe for Free! Toronto Fringe Ticket Giveaways for Shows on Monday, July 4th!

Fringe For Free GraphicA new day, a new set of Fringe shows we’ll be giving away pairs of tickets to! By now you should know the drill — five shows, five pairs of tickets. All you have to do is fire off a few emails and you could win your way into FREE FRINGE!!

We have a great set of shows playing on MONDAY JULY 4 that you’ll want to see that include everything from zombie clowns to Shakespearean ..clowns… and a rowing team! There’s something for everyone so be sure to click the Read More for details on how to enter.

Continue reading Fringe for Free! Toronto Fringe Ticket Giveaways for Shows on Monday, July 4th!