Songs For A New World Order (Third Wheel) 2017 Toronto Fringe Review

Photo of Anesti Danelis

Anesti Danelis is just a boy with a guitar who wants to find the love that’s gone missing in this topsy-turvy world. In his show, “Songs For A New World Order” produced by his own company, Third Wheel; the audience is taken through a series of clever songs about everything from slow walkers on the TTC to accidentally kidnapping babies all tied up in an optimistic bow.

Much like the musician/comedian hybrids who have come before him (like Bo Burnham and Tim Minchin), Anesti Daniels delivers the funny with a hefty side of heart. Not only were his songs expertly composed, the lyrics we’re freaking hilarious. Let’s just say, if there were albums available, I would have definitely bought one.

Although the show had very minimal lighting and little to no props, we didn’t need anything more than Anesti and his guitar. His songs had that quality where you swear you’ve heard it before, yet it’s totally original. That’s how good he is…

Although I was pretty much laughing left, right and centre — there were a few songs where I missed some of the punchlines because he was singing so fast. I think the acoustics are also to blame since the echo can make it harder to hear. The whole show could have hit harder if both the “voice memo” sound cues and Anesti himself were a little bit louder.

As for content, he covered everything from wearing pyjamas at a funeral to role-playing in the bedroom using the Meisner Technique. My favorite song out of the bunch was the final song “We’re All Human”. It made me go “d’awww” inside while still being as clever and witty as the songs that preceded it.

This boy had enough light in his heart to fill the whole stage. If that sounded cheesy, it’s because I’m still running on the love fumes I picked up from his final song.

Songs For A New World Order isn’t trying to be some flashy show and that’s why it’s so great. It’s built on a solid foundation of great jokes and awesome writing so it’s really a no-fail. If you know a friend that loves Flight of the Concords and maybe has a smart sense of humour, tell them to check out “Songs For A New World Order” at the 2017 Toronto Fringe Festival. They will LOVE you for it.


  • Songs For A New World Order plays at The Theatre Centre – BMO Incubator. (1115 Queen St. W)
  • Tickets are 12$. The festival also offers a range of money saving passes for serious fringers.
  • Tickets can be purchased online, by telephone (416-966-1062), from the Fringe Club at Scadding Court –and — if any remain from the venue’s box office starting one hour before curtain.
  • Be aware that Fringe performances always start exactly on time, and that latecomers are never admitted.
  • Content Warnings: Not recommended for persons under 14 years of age, sexual content, mature language, audience participation.
  • This venue is accessible.


  • Wednesday July 5th, 10:00 pm
  • Friday July 7th, 06:30 pm
  • Sunday July 9th, 04:30 pm
  • Tuesday July 11th, 01:30 pm
  • Wednesday July 12th, 06:30 pm
  • Thursday July 13th, 08:00 pm
  • Friday July 14th, 03:30 pm
  • Sunday July 16th, 04:00 pm

Photo of Anesti Danelis by Anesti Danelis. 

One thought on “Songs For A New World Order (Third Wheel) 2017 Toronto Fringe Review”

  1. Won tickets through Fringe for Free, and leaving comments below as requested.

    Songs for a New World Order is just a man with his guitar, with some clever songs that kind of fit the title which wasn’t changed because of the deadline. Which is a perfect kind of intro to this slightly irreverent, self-deprecating, amusing show. Which is you’re looking for an amusing time, you should check out.

    Inesti has a frenetic pace, where he goes from one song to the next in a pretty quick succession. There’s usually a little setup, but it’s gone through quickly to get to the songs. And the songs themselves are also done at a frenetic pace, which is good because he tries to pack a lot of material in them. So if a joke doesn’t quite land, he’s already onto the next line and there isn’t any time to dwell on it. Which is good, since there’s a lot of jokes in the songs.

    The songs themselves range in quality from hilarious (the TCC one) to a long setup with a great punchline (the pyjamas one) to can we hurry up and get to the next one (the one with the baby in the car). There is so much here, that even if you didn’t enjoy a particular song, just wait a few minutes and a new one will come which will probably have you back to tapping your toes or laughing along with Inesti.

    There’s nothing groundbreaking, or life altering about this new world order, but that’s fine. This is a very entertaining show if you’re looking for an hour of entertainment. You’ll laugh a bit, you’ll bob along to the songs, and even clap when suggested to help avoid an awkward situation because audience participation always helps with that!

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