Classical Guitar Concert, performed by Jonathan Prag, pretty much gives it all away in the title. The show is a 45-minute concert of classical acoustic guitar pieces, and it makes for a nice complement to some of the other Toronto Fringe offerings. Continue reading Classical Guitar Concert (Jonathan Prag) 2014 Toronto Fringe Review
All posts by Crystal Wood
Punch Up (Theatre Brouhaha) 2014 Toronto Fringe Review
Can you save a life with comedy? That’s the question Theatre Brouhaha asks in the Toronto Fringe Festival production of Kat Sandler’s Punch Up. I’m not sure if any lives were saved on opening night, but there were certainly audience members doing the ugly laugh-cry. This is one hysterical show. Continue reading Punch Up (Theatre Brouhaha) 2014 Toronto Fringe Review
FASTER Presents: The Elephant in the Room (FASTER) 2014 Toronto Fringe Review
FASTER Presents: The Elephant in the Room is a show that brings abstract concert-style cabaret to the Toronto Fringe. But is Toronto ready for it? That’s the question. Continue reading FASTER Presents: The Elephant in the Room (FASTER) 2014 Toronto Fringe Review
Rapunzel: The Extension Edition (3 Little Bears Productions) 2014 Toronto Fringe Review
Is it weird that I’m considering having kids purely so I can see more Toronto FringeKids! shows like Rapunzel: the Extension Edition by 3 Little Bears Productions? I need a mini-human so I can have a steady date.
Chasing Margaret Flatwood (Theatre Awakening) 2014 Toronto Fringe Review
Chasing Margaret Flatwood, making its debut at the Toronto Fringe Festival by local company Theatre Awakening, is a comedic look at Toronto celebrity culture. Guys, I didn’t even know Toronto had a celebrity culture.
Continue reading Chasing Margaret Flatwood (Theatre Awakening) 2014 Toronto Fringe Review