discharge is a show that takes a lot of risks. While it doesn’t answer any profound questions about life and love, the creators turn themselves inside-out to reveal their souls to the audience.
It’s a bit difficult to describe this non-linear dance/theatre piece, so forgive me for stealing from the program notes here. Co-creator Tyson James refers to it as “wild and sexy, and full of sass, but it’s also full of confusion and sadness.” I’d say that’s a fair description – all of those emotions come across in a brief 50-minute show. Continue reading discharge (metamorphosis dance theatre) 2011 Toronto Fringe Review→
I admit it, I went to Visa Called This Morning hoping for a little financial advice. And while I didn’t get any of that, I still enjoyed myself anyway.
I found Canuck Cabaret to be a very entertaining show. I also found the title to be a little misleading.
It’s a cabaret done by two Canucks, to be sure, but it’s a little low on actual CanCon. If you (like me) were expecting to see a spectacle of dancing maple leafs and Trudeau impersonations, you’ll be a little disappointed. But don’t worry, you’ll still be entertained. Continue reading Canuck Cabaret (Wog Productions) 2011 Toronto Fringe Reviews→
What is infinity? I don’t think anyone truly knows. But what is Infinitum? A visual spectacle that dares to ask the question anyway.
Infinitum is a selection of pieces choreographed by Faye Rauw and directed by Melissa Major. In it, five women (I almost want to call them “corporeal beings”) question the idea of infinity through dance, aerial silks, multimedia and monologue. A sixth woman, clad in black, lurks in the shadows ready to impose her influence on them. Continue reading Infinitum (Cheshire Unicorn) 2011 Toronto Fringe Review→