All posts by Gian Verano

Gian has been a contributor to MoT since June 2013. Other than a couple of theatre history electives in university, Gian’s main theatre experiences date back to his childhood days when he would accompany his parents to shows at the Elgin Theatre or Princess of Wales Theatre. His fondest memory is seeing Les Mis as a child and being in awe of the larger-than-life costumes and musical numbers. When seeing a show, he loves pieces that come from a sincere place of truth – that tell a heartfelt story. During the day, he’s a Toronto Copywriter and Search Marketing Specialist. You can connect with him on both LinkedIn and Twitter. Twitter: @gian_verano

Review: Do You Believe in Goats? (Touch My Stereotype)

Touch My Stereotype presents their sketch comedy show Do You Believe in Goats? at Toronto’s Unit 102 Theatre

GoatsIn this vast world of ours, there are so many things that logic and science alone can’t explain. But just because we don’t understand something, doesn’t mean it can’t be used as comedic fodder. Well, at least that’s what the cast of Do You Believe in Goats? would have you believe.

Taking aim at all things occult and pop culture, this Touch My Stereotype production is a one-hour mixed-media sketch revue that demonstrates that nothing – not even the realm of ghouls and goblins – is safe from ridicule.

Continue reading Review: Do You Believe in Goats? (Touch My Stereotype)

Animal Pharmacy (Doc Holiday Productions) 2014 SummerWorks Review

Animal_PharmacyFor as long as there have been products, there have been salesmen. And as long as there have been salesmen, some have been sleazy, weasely salesmen.

Currently playing as part of the 2014 SummerWorks Musical Works in Concert Series, Animal Pharmacy: A Medicine Show takes aim at the pharmaceutical industry in the form of an old-timey, comedy-satire musical.

Centering on the premise of a conman snaking his way to become CEO of the world’s largest pill producer, this play positions itself as a miracle drug of hilarity, the cure-all for the blahs.

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Flowchart (Amelia Ehrhardt) 2014 SummerWorks Review


There are many ways to tell a story. From written odysseys to wordless pantomimes, humankind has chronicled countless tales using a full spectrum of sounds, sights and words.

Playing as part of the 2014 SummerWorks lineup, Flowchart is a production that combines mixed media formats to tell three distinct tales.

First of all, a bit of a disclaimer: this piece contains full-body nudity, and so viewer discretion is advised.

Continue reading Flowchart (Amelia Ehrhardt) 2014 SummerWorks Review

FringeKids! – Now with The FringeKids! Club too!


One of the most wonderful things about theatre is its ability to open up entire worlds of possibility. From the deepest depths of emotion to most whimsical and absurd fantasies you could ever think of, theatre runs the full gamut of imagination.

And who on Earth have imaginations as vibrant and lively than children?

FringeKids! captures all the ingenuity and creativity of the main Fringe Festival, but through age-appropriate shows, on-site performances and workshops.

Continue reading FringeKids! – Now with The FringeKids! Club too!