All posts by Lauren Stein

Review: The Dumb Waiter (Two Wolves Theatre)


Order’s up in a Harold Pinter two-hander at Theatre Passe Muraille’s Backspace in Toronto

Theatre Passe Muraille’s Backspace is a truly apt location to stage Harold Pinter’s perplexing two-hander The Dumb Waiter. A play that takes place in a basement, the slim black box-esque space lends itself well to the air of suspense that this Two Wolves Theatre production creates rather nicely.

Ben and Gus are two men waiting for something, specifically, the details of their next job. We aren’t privy to what that might be, but we know both men are armed with pistols and work under a distinct shroud of mystery so it isn’t too far-fetched to make certain assumptions about their line of work.

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Shakespeare in Action introduces its second annual Shakespeare Challenge

Shakespeare in Action returns with its second installment of their Shakespeare Challenge gala. An event to raise funds to support making theatre more accessible to at-risk youth, the Shakespeare Challenge concludes in an evening full of fun and frolic with music, food, an auction and la piece de resistance: a performance of Shakespeare’s The Tempest.

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Cheap Theatre in Toronto for the Week of January 28th, 2013

Five for Twenty (Or Less)

Theatre transfixes us. It pushes our buttons, it inspires, transports, engages and enrages us. It prompts us to ask questions and elicits reactions. Sometimes it makes us smile, sometimes it makes us cry, and sometimes it makes us do both at the same time. While any particular work of theatre, in its completed form, can have these effects (and more), there’s still more to learned and understood about the process of creating theatre.

Who are those people standing on stage, speaking poetry and subtext? Throwing themselves into the guise of character after character, sometimes only exaggerated extensions of themselves and sometimes someone entirely different? Our budget theatre picks for the week present our much-loved thespians -that is to say: actors- showcased in all their glory. From pared down solo pieces, to reconsiderings of famous characters, to brand new works, take a little peek into the green room.

Continue reading Cheap Theatre in Toronto for the Week of January 28th, 2013