Mercury Fur, on stage at Unit 102 in Toronto, imagines how far two brothers will go to survive in a bleak dystopian future
Mercury Fur (Seven Siblings Theatre Co.) is a sobering look at a world fallen apart, and its inhabitants who do what they need to in order to survive. These desperate characters intersect as they look back to their past in order to keep them moving forward. This stark drama is currently playing at Unit 102 (376 Dufferin Street).
I never thought I would review a dance show. I’m the type of guy who indulges in the musical contributions of AC/DC and appreciates a well timed fart joke. But this afternoon I watched GUNSHOT (ReActive Dance Theatre) which is currently playing as part of the Toronto Fringe Festival. I learned two things from watching this show: 1. I’m extremely out of shape and 2. Dance Theatre is much more captivating than I thought.
Staging a one man show is no easy task. But Jarret Wright makes it look effortless. Prisoners & Criminals (Escape Velocity Productions), written by Wright himself, is currently playing as part of the Toronto Fringe Festival and it features a remarkable performance that deserves to be seen.
Staging a musical about one of the most controversial figures of the last 60 years might seem like a daunting task. But it has happened. Hugh and I (Bad Neighbour Productions), a musical about the formative years of Playboy Magazine founder Hugh Hefner, made its debut tonight as part the Toronto Fringe Festival. And the results were quite entertaining.