All posts by Megan Mooney

Megan loves being in the thick of all things theatre, but her ultimate goal is to promote theatre to the world of non-theatre people. It was the same when she was the theatre writer for blogTO, or the Fringe Correspondent for CBC Radio One‘s Here and Now, as it is as the founder of Mooney on Theatre. Her basic belief is that there is theatre/performance out there for everyone to love, they just need to find it. This is not to be confused with the idea that everyone should love theatre for theatre’s sake, in fact, as obsessed as she is with theatre, even *she* doesn’t love all types of theatre.

Barack to the Future – Second City

Review by Megan Mooney


Eventually this will be posted on blogTO as well, but probably not until after Summerworks.  So, I’m going to get it up here. 

At the end I’m going to add some musings that didn’t fit in the blogTO article,because it didn’t fit in the format.

I figure, this is my site, I can write in whatever format I want.  *grin* 

So, I’ll put the original piece up front, then the random musings at the bottom .

Original article:


Second City’s Barack to the Future delivers exactly what you expect from a Second City revue – lots of laughs, and not too much deep thinking.  Which, frankly, is sometimes exactly what the doctor ordered.

Also as expected, some stuff fell a bit flat, but the joy of this kind of thing is that even if I don’t like a bit there’s bound to be others there who do like it, and for the stuff that made me snort with laughter (I really wish that was a turn of phrase, but I actually caught myself snorting in a couple places, definitely the professional image I want to portray) made other people roll their eyes and not really react.

Continue reading Barack to the Future – Second City

Theatre Smash

By Megan Mooney


hulk There’s a theatre company in Toronto that I haven’t heard of before called Theatre Smash (I’m sure there are a bazillion more out there that I haven’t heard of…).  Well, I’ve heard of them now because I stumbled onto their website. 

Here’s the thing, I’m sure there is some deep serious reason for the name, but I’m a goof, so I just keep thinking “you won’t like me when I’m angry, THEATRE SMASH!!!”  Um.  Yeah.  Apparently I’m 12.  So, to help make up for my using their name for my juvenile fun I’ll tell you a bit about them…

Continue reading Theatre Smash

Pastor Phelps didn't come to Pastor Phelps

by Megan Mooney

Well, the good news is that Ecce Homo got all sorts of extra buzz about their show because of the crazy church, AND they didn’t have to deal with protesters.

blogTO has a big long story about the protest that didn’t happen, complete with pictures of all the counter-protesters, who showed up in droves.

With all the extra publicity, methinks that if you’re planning to go see The Pastor Phelps Project (and I really think you should, I haven’t seen it yet, but I’m really looking forward to doing so) then get your tickets in advance.  My bet is this sucker’s gonna sell out lots during the run of the festival.  Yay!

Can we opt out of the 'god hates fags' protest please?

By Megan Mooney

The Pastor Phelps Project, which is part of the Summerworks festival, will apparently be picketed by the Westboro Baptist Church of ‘godhatesfags’ fame.  (and yes, the not linking to them is on purpose).

The Pastor Phelps Project is a musical described as:

Warning! Bible preaching ahead! Pastor Fred Phelps and the good people of the Westboro Baptist Church are here to explain why God hates fags and America is doomed. It’s homophobia versus burlesque in a musical cabaret showdown. Stare into the abyss of fundamentalism; sexy political satire with razor wire barbs.

So, the show that’s mocking Westboro Baptist, is being protested by Westboro Baptist…

I mean, I guess it makes sense that they’d be upset, and they do seem like the protesting type.  But I really hate that these people are going to be in Toronto.

I wonder how the company putting on the show (Ecce Homo) feel about all this.  I mean, it’s a show that’s bound to be provocative.  And, honestly, I’m betting that this is going to get them more audience, and certainly get them more noticed.  So, ‘any publicity is good publicity’?

For those who are interested in just what the Westboro Baptist Church has to say on the subject, the flyer that is posted on their website reads as follows:

WBC will picket The Pastor Phelps Project – at 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. – Thursday, August 7 – at the Cameron House, 408 Queen St. W., Toronto, Canada.

In religious protest and warning: “Be not deceived; God is not mocked” Gal. 6:7.

God Hates Fags! & Fag-Enablers. Ergo, God hates The Pastor Phelps Project, and all those having anything to do with it.

The Pastor Phelps Project is a tacky bit of filthy sodomite propaganda, with no literary merit and zero redeeming social value, masquerading as legitimate theater. It is of the fags, by the fags, and for the fags – designed only to mock
the word of God and the servants of God. “He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh; the Lord shall have them in derision.” Psa.2:4.

God Hates Canada, Land of the Sodomites.

Well.  I guess we’ve been told.

BTW: The show runs Aug 7-17 Thurs, Fri, Sat nights at 8pm and Sunday afternoons at 3pm – at the Cameron House (408 Queen Street West) for more information visit  You can check them out on Facebook here.