Antigone is a prime example of what Soup Can Theatre does best – taking classic theatrical stories and reinventing them for a modern audience to appreciate proving that the classics are timeless and ageless and can be relevant no matter what age you’re living in. Taking the original play by Greek playwright Sophocles translated by David Grene and setting it to modern day Toronto with the backdrop of the recent G20 protest and Occupy movements turns this production of Antigone into a Fringe show you cannot miss. Continue reading Antigone (Soup Can Theatre) 2012 Toronto Fringe Review
All posts by Samantha Wu
Headshots and Healing Potions (Monkeyman Productions) 2012 Toronto Fringe Review
For any man, woman, teen or kid that has ever picked up a controller, fought mega boss after mega boss only to realize the princess is in another castle, Headshots and Healing Potions from Monkeyman Productions is the perfect Fringe show for you. That is, if you show up to the Shed in the Artist Alley early enough to grab a seat in their tiny…TINY…theatre. They don’t call it a Shed for nothing. Continue reading Headshots and Healing Potions (Monkeyman Productions) 2012 Toronto Fringe Review
Two Weird Ladies Bomb the Fringe (Two Weird Ladies) 2012 Toronto Fringe Review
Two Weird Ladies are comedic duo Laura Salvas and Mandy Sellers, two BFFs who found each other studying comedy at The Second City. In their attack of the Toronto Fringe Festival this year, they have prepared a show that is irreverent, hilarious, unafraid to pull punches…and drop bombs.
Continue reading Two Weird Ladies Bomb the Fringe (Two Weird Ladies) 2012 Toronto Fringe Review
That Boob Show (Code White Theatre) 2012 Toronto Fringe Review
Bras. Over the shoulder boulder holders. Call them what you will, love them or hate them, if you’re a woman, they are a part of your life – whether that are to fondly display your girls or to keep them at bay. That Boob Show, appropriately set in the site-specific Secrets From Your Sister bra fitting boutique, is a one-woman’s intimate story of personal sexiness, the ongoing size debate and the ability to appreciate what Mama Nature gave you.
Continue reading That Boob Show (Code White Theatre) 2012 Toronto Fringe Review
England: A Play for Art Galleries (SoCo Theatre) 2012 Toronto Fringe Review
What better way to start off this year’s Fringe Festival than on the edge of Fringe. In a site-specific location, namely the galleries of 401 Richmond Street, lives England: A Play for Art Galleries by Tom Crouch. The location is one I’ve walked past numerous times, but never had the chance to explore what lay beyond their doors. This is the perfect opportunity to check out a jewel of a Toronto landmark. Continue reading England: A Play for Art Galleries (SoCo Theatre) 2012 Toronto Fringe Review