Fringe Festival

A collection of everything to do with the Toronto Fringe Festival, including reviews, features, press releases etc.

Mooney on Theatre’s Most-Read Reviews for the 2019 Toronto Fringe Festival

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After reviewing all 149 shows* in this year’s Toronto Fringe Festival we shared our list of the shows our staff recommend.

Now it’s your turn; we reveal the list of our readers’ most buzzed-about shows based on the popularity of their Mooney on Theatre reviews. So here’s the list of the top ten (ish) most-read Fringe reviews on Mooney on Theatre this year**: Continue reading Mooney on Theatre’s Most-Read Reviews for the 2019 Toronto Fringe Festival

July 11 Rave Roundup for the 2019 Toronto Fringe Festival

image saying daily raves

Week two of the 2019 Toronto Fringe Festival is upon us, and we’re counting up our rave reviews from our hard-won list of 149 reviews of the entire (review-eligible) festival! Plenty of those shows have been marked as RAVES by our reviewers, and we’re here today to highlight a few more of them!

What’s a rave, you might ask? Simply put: our reviewer loved it. Sometimes a rave is ‘I’d see that a second, third, fourth time’; sometimes a rave is ‘I’m STILL thinking about this show days later’; sometimes it’s as simple as ‘I had a really fabulous time at this show.’

Really, it’s all subjective, because theatre is subjective. These raves caught our reviewers’ attention, though–perhaps they’ll snag yours as well?

Continue reading July 11 Rave Roundup for the 2019 Toronto Fringe Festival

July 10 Rave Roundup for the 2019 Toronto Fringe Festival

image saying daily raves

If you’re new to Fringing our rave reviews can help you decide which shows to see. They’re the ones with the little green Rave Review in brackets next to them on the Fringe Reviews list.

These are the shows that made our reviewers want to run out of the theatre, grab people, and tell them that they absolutely ‘have to go see this show, it’s amazing’. Well, they make me want to do that.

It’s not the only way to pick a show but it’s one way to get started. Here are a few that our writers have raved about.

Continue reading July 10 Rave Roundup for the 2019 Toronto Fringe Festival

July 9 Rave Roundup for the 2019 Toronto Fringe Festival

image saying daily raves

While you absolutely shouldn’t only stick to shows with rave reviews (there’s so much great stuff playing at the Toronto Fringe Festival!) they do give you a place to start.

Personally, I’m a big fan of picking a show that I’m pretty sure is going to be a good one and then just taking a chance on whatever is playing before or after it at the same venue. I have seen some really great stuff that way that otherwise wouldn’t have been on my radar.

In the meantime, here are some shows our writers have been raving about to get you started.

Continue reading July 9 Rave Roundup for the 2019 Toronto Fringe Festival