Fringe Festival

A collection of everything to do with the Toronto Fringe Festival, including reviews, features, press releases etc.

Mooney on Theatre Recommends – 2019 Toronto Fringe Festival

Photo of the 2017 Toronto Fringe Club at Scadding Court Community Centre

This past weekend Mooney on Theatre sent its dedicated team of 22 writers and editors to cover all 148 shows* in this year’s Toronto Fringe Festival! With the sheer number of shows available at the festival, picking the ones you want to see can be a daunting task.

If you’re feeling a bit overwhelmed by the number of shows and you’re looking for a place to start, we’ve asked our staff to tell us about their favourite shows they’ve seen at this year’s festival. We hope our staff picks can help you navigate the Fringe.

If you’ve seen something you think is amazing that you think others should go see please let us know by leaving a comment.

And don’t forget to check out our complete list of Fringe reviews.

Happy Fringing!

Mooney on Theatre Staff Picks – 2019 Toronto Fringe Festival Continue reading Mooney on Theatre Recommends – 2019 Toronto Fringe Festival

July 8 Rave Roundup for the 2019 Toronto Fringe Festival

image saying daily raves

Week two of the 2019 Toronto Fringe Festival. *phew*

We’ve finished reviewing all the shows (except the two that requested no reviews).  And now you have a list of 148 reviews you can read through. You may have noticed some have a little thing next to them that says ‘Rave Review!’ So what’s that about?

We very purposefully don’t use a star rating system here at Mooney on Theatre (but if we did, surely they’d be moons, yes?). We believe that a review only captures one person’s opinion, and my 5-star review might be someone else’s 3-star review, and with so many writers covering Fringe, there would be no way to provide consistency in those ratings.

I don’t think there is anything wrong with star ratings, I just made a decision a long time ago that they don’t fit in with Mooney on Theatre’s approach to things. During Fringe though, when there are so many reviews to read through, we needed something to let readers see at a glance which shows writers are raving about.

This week we’ll be taking some time to highlight those shows; starting right now.

Continue reading July 8 Rave Roundup for the 2019 Toronto Fringe Festival

Failed (Frank Trotz) 2019 Toronto Fringe Review

Failed cast at the 2019 Toronto Fringe Festival

Frank Trotz was inspired to create Failed, playing at this year’s Toronto Fringe Festival, based on interactions he had while walking his dog in the local park. Saying hi to the regulars, he got to know a man named Stephen Briones who started telling him about his life, the life of a former junkie. At the time of their conversations, Briones was a year into his sobriety staying at CAMH. Taking the story of Briones and giving him the voice of five actors, this is his journey into redemption.

Continue reading Failed (Frank Trotz) 2019 Toronto Fringe Review