Fringe Festival

A collection of everything to do with the Toronto Fringe Festival, including reviews, features, press releases etc.

An Utterly Stupid Indefensible Thing (Sock Monkey Collective) 2019 Toronto Fringe Review

An Utterly Stupid Indefensible Thing playing at Toronto Fringe 2019. Performers Scott Kuipers (foreground) and Marc Blanchard (projected image in background).  Photographer: Marc Blanchard

An Utterly Stupid Indefensible Thing by Sock Monkey Collective takes us along for an hour-long deep dive into the relationship between media, bullying, and grief. Creative duo Marc-Andre Blanchard and Scott Kuipers turn the stage at Streetcar Crowsnest Mainspace into a pressure cooker at Toronto Fringe 2019.

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In Waking Life (Spicy Day) 2019 Toronto Fringe Review

Photo of actors In Waking Life

Hello, my new friend! Would you be interested in an exciting new book club? Because I have got good news for you, my friend! In Waking Life (playing at the Toronto Fringe Festival) is definitely an exciting new book club, and definitely not a hilarious and memorable group seance with two of the best mediums you’ll ever meet. What’s more, it is one of the very best book clubs you’ll see at the festival! Do not miss it, for their finger sandwiches are unforgettable!

Continue reading In Waking Life (Spicy Day) 2019 Toronto Fringe Review