Fringe Festival

A collection of everything to do with the Toronto Fringe Festival, including reviews, features, press releases etc.

Toronto Fringe 2009 – Singularity of Being – Tarragon

By Dana Lacey

Fringe crowd

Be sure to check out Singularity of Being, playing at Tarragon Theatre for Fringe. “Loosely” based on the life of Stephen Hawking, the play follows the life of Roland Mathers as he grows from a bored student with big ideas (“Einstein gave us the map…I can’t wait to fill it in.”) to a fully paralyzed and utterly famous shit disturber. It’s a story about man against god, a cosmic chess game neither wants to quit (the tag line: what price would you pay to see the face of god?) Continue reading Toronto Fringe 2009 – Singularity of Being – Tarragon

Win Free 2009 Toronto Fringe Tickets: Because I Can – TONIGHT

contest-web-graphic This is a contest for a pair of free tickets to TONIGHT’S PERFORMANCE of the “rollicking new farce” Because I Can.

The performance is tonight at 10:30 at the Robert Gill Theatre.

To enter the contest, just leave a comment*  sometime today (Wednesday July 1) before 7 pm

Many more contests to come, I encourage you to enter as many of them as you can.  I’m not limiting it at all, but please, one entry per person per contest.

More information about Because I Can below:

Continue reading Win Free 2009 Toronto Fringe Tickets: Because I Can – TONIGHT

Win Free 2009 Toronto Fringe Tickets: Shadows in Bloom


Gemma Wilcox had a lot of great buzz at last year’s Toronto Fringe Festival, and she’s back at it this year.

We have a pair of tickets to Shadows in Bloom, the most recent offering from Wilcox, to give away.

These are for the Thursday July 2nd performance, at 9:30pm.

To enter the contest, just leave a comment*  sometime before Wednesday July 1 at 4pm.

Many more contests to come, I encourage you to enter as many of them as you can.  I’m not limiting it at all, but please, one entry per person per contest.

More details about Shadows in Bloom:

Continue reading Win Free 2009 Toronto Fringe Tickets: Shadows in Bloom

Free tickets to Toronto Fringe 2009 – As You Puppet

This marks the first of many fringe-ticket give-aways in the the days to come.

Just leave a comment below (be sure to include your email address in the email address field so I can reach you – it won’t show up to people coming to the site) sometime before Tuesday night at midnight (or, Wednesday morning at midnight, depending on the wording you prefer) to be entered into a draw for tickets.

Many more contests to come, I encourage you to enter as many of them as you can, I’m not limiting it at all, but please, one entry per person per contest.

The prize is 2 free tickets to the July 2nd performance of Hank’s Toybox Theatre’s “As You Puppet” at the 2009 Toronto Fringe Festival.  

So, two free tickets for the performance on July 2nd at 4:50 at the Palmerston Library Theatre.

More information about As You Puppet:

Continue reading Free tickets to Toronto Fringe 2009 – As You Puppet