Toronto Theatre Reviews

Reviews of productions based in Toronto – theatre includes traditional definitions of theatre, as well as dance, opera, comedy, performance art, spoken word performances, and more. Productions may be in-person, or remote productions streamed online on the Internet.

Mini-Reviews: Audio Offerings at Next Stage Community Booster 2021

image of a rainbow coloured soundwave on a black background

As the pandemic continues to keep us from gathering in person, audience and artists alike continue to explore different ways performing arts can work. The Next Stage Festival has moved to a digital offering this year called Community Booster, which includes performing arts in three streams. These are Theatre Shorts, Story Telling, and Audio Offerings.

You can file audio offerings under “everything old is new again.” I remember growing up listening to radio plays on CBC radio. And the pandemic isn’t the only thing that has brought audio plays to prominence; podcasting has been a significant contributor there. But what are the audio offerings from Community Booster?

Continue reading Mini-Reviews: Audio Offerings at Next Stage Community Booster 2021

Review: Lacuna (Next Stage Community Booster 2021)

Photo of Juliet Jones-Rodney, Chantal Forde, and Trina Moyan in Lacuna

Lacuna, now playing as part of the virtual 2021 Next Stage Community Booster, asks us, “Is theatre even theatre without the exchange of energy?”

Writer Chantal Forde is joined by Mandy Roveda, Juliet Jones-Rodney, and Trina Moyan, in an on-stage representation of a Zoom call, each actress holding a frame around her face as they try to create together.

This attempt at creation is halted by general pandemic malaise and technical difficulties, and their private anxieties. These include the desire for connection vs. the reality of latency, the wearying need to constantly combat white supremacy, the challenge of finding individuality rather than representing a larger community, and the frustrating lack of space for women’s bodies.

Continue reading Review: Lacuna (Next Stage Community Booster 2021)

Review: Begin Again (Next Stage Community Booster 2021)

Photo of Cat and the Queen and Sasha Singer-Wilson in Begin Again

Begin Again – a combination of song and spoken word now playing as part of the 2021 virtual Next Stage Community Booster – is about the act of prayer.

Loud or quiet, large or small, desperate or calm, these pleas to a higher power are what creators Cat and the Queen and Sasha Singer-Wilson believe we all turn to in moments of need.

Continue reading Review: Begin Again (Next Stage Community Booster 2021)

Review: Thou Shalt Not COVID Thy Neighbour’s Wife (Next Stage Community Booster 2021)

Photo of Christine Estima

Thou Shalt Not COVID Thy Neighbour’s Wife, written and performed by Christine Estima, is one of the stories presented as part of the Next Stage Community Booster.

Storytelling is hard. Everyone in the audience probably has different expectations; some want a ‘performance’ with lots of movement and vocal and facial expressions. Others may want intimacy, a gentle voice, accompanied by a seated body leaning towards the audience. Estima is more towards the performance end of the scale, without being over the top.

Continue reading Review: Thou Shalt Not COVID Thy Neighbour’s Wife (Next Stage Community Booster 2021)

Virtual Shows and Concerts for the Week of April 20, 2020

Virtual Shows that Caught Our Eye This Week

Another week at home!  We are all adjusting in the best ways we know how.  The snow though?  What is that all about?!?  And our littlest has decided that every day is a pajama party.  Lots of baking has been done – and eaten! – and the kids are having tonnes of fun getting involved in the kitchen too, so fun hands-on learning win!

Each week brings about more going on in the digital arts world, and the online offerings provide a broader range of theatre and concerts to participate in.  Mooney on Theatre is excited to be able to provide information on as much of what is going on as we can. Here are this week’s varied performance options. Please keep checking back here on the regular to see if there’s anything new coming up. 

Continue reading Virtual Shows and Concerts for the Week of April 20, 2020